
  • Carolina Doricci Guilherme Universidade São Francisco
  • Graziele Aparecida da Silva Raimundo Universidade São Francisco
  • Monica Tais Siqueira D'Amelio Universidade São Francisco



biomassa, aproveitamento energético, renovável, descriminalização de gênero, energia de ativação, fator pré-exponencial


The use of cleaner and/or renewable energy sources has been increasingly sought after today. Furthermore, industries are looking for a better destination and added value for their waste. From this perspective, this project aims to study the pyrolysis kinetics of waste wood from paper production. As a form of lignocellulosic biomass, it is a good material for the pyrolysis process and for obtaining energy, which can be reused within the industry itself. In this context, a study of moisture was carried out, as well as the performance of Thermogravimetric Analysis in wet and dry wood, and at different heating rates (20°C/min and 80°C/min), in order to bring a comparative and knowing parameters such as Activation Energy and Pre-exponential Factor, helping directly in the study of kinetics. In addition to the Differential Scanning Calorimetry analysis, which makes it possible to know the reaction enthalpy variation. These studies showed that wet biomass consumes more thermal energy to release water when compared to dry biomass, which makes the energy use of the latter more efficient. It can also be observed that the higher heating rate has more residual mass, which indicates greater formation of solids than volatiles, making the lower heating rate more efficient in energy use. However, it is concluded that pyrolysis can be considered a good thermal treatment, even when the intention is to make an energy use from the products of this reaction.


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How to Cite

Doricci Guilherme, C., Aparecida da Silva Raimundo, G., & D’Amelio, M. T. S. (2023). PYROLYSIS KINETICS STUDY OF RESIDUAL EUCALYPTUS WOOD FROM PAPER PRODUCTION. Ensaios USF, 7(2).



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